We want to figure out the best way to help parents/guardians support and encourage their young children’s creative use of technology. We need your help. Our research will investigate your experience of our training and your facilitation of our family workshops. We will use your answers to help design improve that training and inform the design of the workshops.
To do this we collect information from you at several times through your participation and beyond.
- About you: Firstly, we ask you to give us contact details and some information about your previous experience so that we can arrange training sessions for you.
- Workshop progress: We will be collecting some observations of what happens during the training sessions.
- Your reactions: We ask facilitators to tell us how each session went. This is done at the end of the session where we discuss the training and the family workshop design as a group.
We need to collect and store your contact details and track attendance to organise the training sessions but participation in the data collection is voluntary. Please read the declaration below, and then, if you are happy to participate under these conditions, please provide your consent.
- I am 18 years or older and am competent to provide consent
- I have read, or had read to me, a document providing information about this research and this consent form. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction and understand the description of the research that is being provided to me.
- I agree that my data is used for scientific purposes and I have no objection that my data is published in scientific publications in a way that does not reveal my identity.
- I understand that if I make illicit activities known, these will be reported to appropriate authorities.
- I understand that I may refuse to answer any question and that I may withdraw at any time without penalty.
- I understand that if the results of the research have been published, then it will no longer be possible to withdraw
- I understand that I may stop electronic recordings at any time, and that I may at any time, even subsequent to my participation have such recordings destroyed.
- I understand that no recordings will be replayed in any public forum or made available to any audience other than the current research team.
- I freely and voluntarily agree to be part of this research study, though without prejudice to my legal and ethical rights.
- I understand that personal information about me, including the transfer of this personal information about me outside of the EU, will be protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
- I have received a copy of this agreement.
Sign up
If you are happy to participate under these conditions, please provide consent.