Growing our community of family creative coding clubs

Our network of family creative coding clubs that are safe, inclusive and fun is growing every week across Ireland. Two clubs in Meath began their journey, last month, to establish an OurKidsCode family coding club in their rural community.

Drumree GAA

6 Families, from the surrounding area, joined an OurKidsCode Facilitator for Workshops using our Dance Mat and Rock Paper Scissors projects. We had so much fun working together on these STEM projects and learning about Scratch, Makecode and bringing our code to life using the Makey Makey and micro: bit. It’s wonderful to see families developing confidence and learning to work together, as a family team, to problem solve and plan activities.

Families are also enjoying the social side of a family coding club – getting to know other families with shared interests in their local area.

Have a look at the photos of the Drumree families making our Dance Mat project

Ballinacree Community Centre

In February families from Ballinacree, near Oldcastle, came together to experience an OurKidsCode Taster Workshop and have continued to MeetUp to learn more about starting their own club.

All the families agreed having access to a coding club locally, especially when you live in a rural area, is fantastic. The kids loved learning something new, seeing their existing friends, meeting new ones and having fun.